OneTouch® Logbooks (3 Pack)
Keep track of your glucose test results with the OneTouch® diabetes logbooks

Tracking each time you test using the OneTouch® logbook helps you learn how food, medication and exercise affect your blood sugar

Sections provided to capture details of each glucose test: day, date, time, whether it was before meal or after meal, and if medication was taken

Comments section included to remark on anything important like meals eaten, exercise, or stress that might affect your blood glucose levels
OneTouch® Logbooks (3 Pack)
Space to track 30 weeks of data

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Technical Specifications
Dimensions: 5” x 4.75” flat (2.5” x 4.75” finished)
Style: Trim, Fold, Score, Stitch on the 4.75” edge
Printing: 32 double sided pages + cover (front & back)